Claire Contrada

SENSORY + ARTS INSTRUCTOR, Mom to Teddy and John

Claire has worked with children for the majority of her life! She attended Saint Michael's College in Vermont where she earned a dual Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Elementary Education. In 2014, she moved to NYC to pursue her Master degree at Teachers College, Columbia University as a Literacy Specialist. She is a licensed Elementary School Teacher and Literacy Specialist. Since graduating with her undergraduate degree she has worked as an Early Childhood teacher - 1 year in Pre-K, 10+ years in Kindergarten and 3 in 2nd grade. She has worked hard to make her classrooms accessible for all learners placing a high focus on flexible seating, sensory input/output, multi-sensory learning experiences and integrating play back to the heart of her teaching. 

Since having her two boys Teddy (4 years) and John (1 year), she has spent even more time nestled in all  her favorite topics, child development, sensory integration, literacy, and play based learning. Her boys have been her biggest inspiration for changing and strengthening her pedagogy. She loves to help families and teachers integrate multi-sensory play into learning. 

She, her husband John and two boys moved to Newburyport, MA in 2022 to be closer to family and friends this summer. They are enjoying their new town, settling in, and meeting new friends!