Move your body and connect with other mamas and their little ones in [New] Mama Movement + Support. This class/series is for ANY postpartum mama, no matter how far into motherhood you are. If you are seeking support, guidance and movement to rebuild your core, pelvic floor and overall strength. Led by Kristen Bonito, pre/postnatal certified instructor.
In our 3rd week of our 4 week series, we are excited to welcome Jackie Shannon DPT of Next Step Therapies to discuss infant development including but not limited to:
head shape
feeding issues/tongue tie
challenges with tummy time
gross motor delays
Jackie will also discuss play and floor time strategies during the early months to promote development, as well as the benefits of tummy time and answer any questions about infant development.
The movement portion of class will be 30 minutes, and we will spend the 2nd half of class talking through any mom-related questions and connecting with other mamas.