Surrender in the Moment
Yesterday was just a rough day all around. I couldn’t keep it together, I was feeling overwhelmed, I was feeling stressed, A was pushing all my buttons, and I was just a mess for most of the day.
I surrendered to the day - I let myself have my crying fits & moments of anxiety. I let it in, and let it pass. I feel like a much better human today. I am choosing to be happy. I am choosing to be patient. I am choosing to just be.
We are moms, we juggle a million things at once, we lose part of our brain with each kid (I swear, right!) and it’s OK to have a day (or 2 or 3 or more!) where you’re just feeling off; where you’re not feeling like yourself; where you just need a break. Surrender, let it in, and let it pass. Then start over. And make a choice.
Make a choice to be positive, to be happy, to embrace the chaos, to know there will be ebbs & flows... and you will only grow more as a mom & human being.
I’m here if you ever need an ear, arm, hug.